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FIND YOUR FIT | How to Find Your Ring Size

I have always found one of the hardest parts of shopping online is knowing your size. No brand's jeans fit the same as the next brand - and finding the right fit for jewelry can be just as tricky. While we work really hard to give you the best sizing information we can - including measurements and tips on how to size yourself for the right fit on each product - we know it can be a little nerve-wracking before your piece comes wondering how it will feel and look once on.

Our find your fit guide is one of our most comprehensive sizing resources for "how to find your ring size" on our website, featuring best practices for measuring your fingers for rings, wrists for bracelets and necks for necklaces. Today I want to share a few more tips to measure your ring size and some helpful tricks for when a ring gets stuck!

You really want to make sure which size you are - so you keep trying on the 6.5 and then the 6. While it is important to find the right size, the more you put on and take off the ring and slide it over your knuckle, the more your knuckle will swell. Which will cause your size to go up. Unless you tend to play with your rings regularly and do this action a lot throughout the day, you will not end up with an accurate sizing.

Some people's fingers are shaped so the base of their finger is wider than their knuckle, if you are one of these people you may have already run into issues sizing your finger. If your knuckle is not very prominent, you will want your ring to fit a little more snugly on the base of your finger and certain designs may not be well suited for you.

We have run into this issue more when a partner is buying a gift - not all fingers are the same size. Your left ring finger maybe a size 6.5 but on your right hand may be up to a whole size different. Typically your dominant hand will be approximately ½ - 1 size larger, but this is not true for everyone. While this may seem obvious to some, it is worth mentioning fingers will typically get larger from pinky (being the smallest) moving to thumb (the largest).

Did you have a magnificent Mexican fiesta last night? You may want to wait a day or two to size your fingers. Foods high in salt and alcohol can cause us to retain water which will make your fingers size larger.

Wider bands will always need at least an added 1/2 size to fit comfortably. Also on some styles, like our wide inspiRING, some people like to size up because the face is so wide compared to the band. We do offer one free ring resize within 6 months of your purchase. We want you to love your ring!

If you are stacking rings, we recommend sizing up as well - the more you stack, the larger you will want to go up. Stacking different sized rings is ok as long as they're within a 1/2 size of one another, or they will start to overlap and lay weird.

It is better to size your finger in the afternoon between lunch and dinner. This is when your finger is at its most stable size.

It happens, sometimes you slide on a ring and as the day continues, you swell and the chance for your ring to come off is slim to none. Here’s some tricks I’ve found before you run to the ER to have the ring cut off.

  • Try to breathe and stay calm. I know when I get nervous or worried I get hot, which will make you swell more. Don’t jerk the ring back and forth.
  • Run your hand under cold water - like ice water. The cold temps will make your blood vessels contract, therefore making your fingers thinner. Use a little soap to lubricate your finger to make it easier to slide your ring off.
  • This last tip I haven’t tried, but I have heard from other jeweler’s its a true miracle worker. Channel your inner Dad from My Big Fat Greek Wedding and spray your finger with windex. I’m not kidding, the silicone in windex will help the ring to slide right off. 


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