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Inside Christina Kober's Guilty Pleasures

You already know Christina Kober for her jewelry designs. But outside of the studio, what makes her tick? We sat down with Christina to delve into the personal interests and guilty pleasures that offer a glimpse into her life beyond jewelry.

Christina, do you have a show you binge-watch during your downtime?

CK: Absolutely! "Murder, She Wrote". There's something about Angela Lansbury solving mysteries that's captivating.

If stranded on a desert island, what would you want with you?

CK: I'd want my favorite sweater or sweatshirt. Or maybe something to listen to music on. Music keeps me calm.

What's something about you that's contradictory?

CK: I'm not a fan of camping, but I enjoy survival shows like "Alone" and podcasts like "Tooth & Claw" and "National Park After Dark".

Favorite snack or beverage?

CK: I love chocolate milk, especially when I mix it with powdered Nesquik.

It's always interesting to learn about the personal interests of creative minds. Christina's unique pleasures give a glimpse into the person behind the jewelry.


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