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Defined | Give Yourself Grace

Give Yourself Grace Everlong Necklace

What does it mean to give yourself grace?

When I decided to add the message give yourself grace it was truly a reminder for myself.

Whenever something new comes on the horizon for me - whether it is the anticipation of motherhood, a new home, an upcoming birthday, or even the purchase of a new pair of shoes - I always begin to create idealistic notions of how my life will change and be better.

Social media adds to this picture of perfection I create as I compare my life to the people I follow on instagram. Even though they only share a moment in time captured in a tiny little square photo. The seeds of expectation, presumption and comparison are planted.

As big expectations and comparisons are built up in my mind, no matter how hard I try sometimes I come up short. My life didn’t change or it doesn’t look the same, or it is so much harder than I thought it would be, or I just couldn’t get it all done. No matter what the perceived inadequacy is, I feel as though I have let myself down.

I know I am really hard on myself and I have a hard time forgiving myself. When I take a moment to realize and appreciate this, I begin to see all the things I have accomplished and it’s really ok.

Leading me to my lesson I keep teaching myself over and over : be kind to myself and give myself grace.

A Wearable Reminder

Wide Inspiring      Grand Inspiracelet Cuff

Everlong Necklace      Grand Remembrance Ring



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